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uno, due, tre skuska

bla bla skuska bla bla
First things first. As this is my first time writing anything semi-professionally, it probably wont be perfect...even though nothing can be perfect.But since nothing is everything and vice versa, it means that everything is perfect.Because we can put anything into nothing and we can make anything out of everything,it just makes them equal.Yeah! :) I would like to start somewhere...start,the beginning might be a good enough start since there is no beginning and no end to anything.Everything is eternal and just goes in cycles of waves up and down left and right,plus into minus back and forth so much that they are not even separate anymore.They are one ,we are all one.Thats why there cant be no separation.Separation or better said trying to separate hurts because its impossible(even though we live in a universe of infinite possibilities) to separate that which is ONE. In days like these when we are being divided into nations,ethnicities or even just shaming a person just because its shorter or taller then someone else... Everything comes from inside and is reflected on the outside.And thats how the world looks like in its present state.People are basically teached how to hate themselves.Constantly being told how they are not good enough compared to others.This motherfuckin comparison...this motherfuckin comparison actually starts with the our parents comparing us to other children and never being satisfied with us.But then again we can never satisfy those who are not satisfied with themsleves.Trying to satisfy others makes us forget about who we are.We forget ourselves and so we get forgotten by those who we are trying to please.Everything comes from within.People are looking for love in hopes that they will get it from someone else....or something else.Constantly burying themselves with more and more material crap and racing for monney.Money wont buy us happyness.We cant buy love for money...funny how love is money in the language of gypsies...or is it sad? Questions.Quesioning is being treated by angry non-answers from what ive noticed and im pretty sure that anyone can remember at least one instance when after asking some question from their parents or teacher or any "adult" not mature enough that the answer theyve got was in a pissed off manner,or shamed for how can a stupid question like that be asked. When being curious is punished, we stop being curious to avoid the pain associated with it....to be continued???

ichi,ni san skuska | stály odkaz


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