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their carvings

„Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.“

„Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.


Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


their carvings


Holding a hand

You may feel many things

The only one you should not

Is loneliness


Place where you stand

Yet new visions brings

Even if it is a spot

Of a huge mess


Only the difficulties

Make us go on

Create a charming face

We have in common


With others

Who are in troubles

We can share that special

World of wonders


When you know

What makes you calm

That you are not alone

In that storm


You can let the lightnings act

If you are sure

There is someone

Who makes it again good




February  2010




poezie | stály odkaz


  1. aaach,
    very nice:-)
    publikované: 24.02.2010 23:20:31 | autor: bonnie (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  2. kra kra kra...
    yes...don't be alone
    everyone has the world of wonders!
    nice thought :)
    publikované: 21.03.2010 14:09:30 | autor: havran (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  3. vtáčie návštevy...
    ...ma tešia :) hej, ten moj WoW je iba moj a nikoho iného...nedám si ho...
    publikované: 21.03.2010 14:16:45 | autor: stymfal (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  4. I`m fascinated
    fáááákt .)
    publikované: 21.03.2010 14:16:54 | autor: believer (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  5. inšpirovaná...
    E.K.Rossová je smrťožrútka, preto ju mám rada...dakujem, believer:)
    publikované: 21.03.2010 14:27:17 | autor: stymfal (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  6. :-)
    ..zišiel by sa tu preklad..))..
    publikované: 21.03.2010 17:28:24 | autor: lusila (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  7. ehm...
    ...teraz budem za blbca...ale preklad coho?
    publikované: 21.03.2010 17:37:35 | autor: stymfal (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  8. :-)
    ..no však tej básničky..))..
    publikované: 21.03.2010 17:41:55 | autor: lusila (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  9. preklad
    no to asi teraz nedám...:) možno po pár dňoch...preložím vo veršoch
    publikované: 21.03.2010 19:21:08 | autor: stymfal (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
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