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Get on the top of major search engines

Get on the top of major search engines:

1. Use META tags.

Most search engine will look inside META tags in your web page. Here is the example of how to use <META> tags.

<meta name="description" content="How to promote your web site.">
<meta name="keywords" content="announcing web site, web submission, web promote, internet promotions, submit">

These META tags should be put in <HEAD></HEAD>. In "description", put the brief description of your page. In "keywords", list the keywords that you think your visitors will find your site by typing those keywords. You can separate each keywords or description by using comma (,) as shown above.

2. Page Title

Infoseek will use your title as the priority in their search process. Name your title carefully. Try thinking about what keywords your visitors will type to find your page. Yahoo also uses page title and the description that you submit to search.

3. Contents of your page.

Some search engines such as Excite will not read META tag but it will look at the content of your site. If you use image map, please make sure that you also have words as an alternative.

4. Don't repeat the same keywords more than 5 times in META tag.

Lycos, will ban your page (by placing it down the list or not listing it) if they find that you are repeating words to improve the ranking.

5. Make sure that there are keywords in 3 places.

Yeah! Make sure that there are keywords in 3 places: META tags, page title, and contents of your page.

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  1. Jsem ůplně vykolejenej!!!
    Takový lehký? A já , debil, že jak na ty tágy a tak. No todle až doma řeknu soudružce, tak se rozvede. Už psala , že s takovým cvokem odmítá celkem všicko! Děkuju!!!!!
    Prodloužení to jistí, tím si buďte jisti))))
    publikované: 28.06.2011 10:12:33 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
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