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forgive mee

please save mee save me from all of this 

 from the light that is burning mi eyes

from the darknes that is holding mee in side

from  all of the pain that i have hiden in me

the sadnes is is not eanding 

 it continues in the stil silent darknes

please save mee from evrithing

evrithing iam  from the sadnes

i vil bee vaiting  vatching ior path

alvais readi to save you

i have beaged for beather future

maibe it vil come thru   some dai

dont bee sad  evrithing vil bee beather  some dai   . forgive mee for being such  sad as alvais  forgive mee   the night cals the night holds mi heart so tightli that it hurts  , vith vords  you belong her you are the the one vho is meant to bee sad for others  go on the path  you belong her  this is yor path thru the ages   fare vhel , so i retur just like the other nights to vatch on the friends i have  to protect the to searve them to the eand of mi dais for al etearniti      ...    forgive mee

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  1. toto je
    novy jazyk anglickych pubertiakov?
    publikované: 27.09.2008 17:28:34 | autor: lupa (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  2. je ti odpustené :)
    publikované: 27.09.2008 17:32:28 | autor: believer (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  3. nie,nie je
    toto nie je pubertiak,ani zďaleka
    publikované: 06.10.2008 20:03:44 | autor: colorfull (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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