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Blackbird by Beatles

Blackbird singing in the dead of night,
Take these broken wings and learn to fly. 
All your life,
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night,
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see. 
All your life,
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.

Blackbird, fly.
Blackbird, fly...
Into the light of a dark, black night. 

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  1. Nič proti...
    ...ale k piesni o drozdovi by asi lepšie pasovala fotka drozda, či nie.
    publikované: 28.10.2005 10:27:40 | autor: David (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  2. David
    TOTO JE drozd. Len u nás takýto nežije :o)
    publikované: 29.10.2005 10:07:00 | autor: Blackbird (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  3. David
    Volajú ho red-winged blackbird
    publikované: 29.10.2005 19:13:49 | autor: Blackbird (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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