Vytlač príspevok
Odporuč príspevok

Neuvěřitelný, jak to může bejt těžký.

Jsou peripetie v životě muže, kdy potřebuje poradit, i když ještě může.

Asi to nevíte, ale mám komunikační blok.

Nemám se komu svěřit. I jsem chtěl, jenže Nováková ze třetího to hned rozkecala. Mám starosti veliký.

Tak ku příkladu. Udělali mne za krále. nechtěl jsem, ale voni nééé! Budeš a hotová věc!

Tak jsem teďkonc král. No. Co už. Je to tu vo hubu, to vám říkám. A nesranduju, protože když sranduju, tak to skoro všichni poznají. Todlencto tady ale není sranda.

Kralování není jako malování, že povíte nějakou hovadinu a je vymalováno. Tu vládne intelektuálno. Zásada číslo jedna. Dávej si bacha na hubu. Zásada druhá. Najdi si spřízněného druha. Zásada třetí, pokuř, to dneska letí. Zásada čtvrtá, zase ve mně vrtá. Zásada pátá. Je hezkej a túze mne máta. Šestou a další zásady raději neodkomunikuji, protože by mne asi vyhodili.

Ale v zásadě jde vo to, že raději komunikuji s občany, co mají ženský pohlaví. Nevím proč, asi genetika, nebo co.

Tak a teď vám prásknu jednu bombu! Nováková ze třetího, když jsem jí tudlenctu informaci uvolnil,byla skoro v kómatu!

Asi jsem se zamiloval. Ona je víla, ja su Míla, jedno s druhým, jsem, normálně, na šrot.

Je moc hezká, vidím jí jako dneska. A co mně úplně nejvíc rajcuje je to, že mne strčí levou zadní do kapsy. Je , totižto moc inteligentní, tu cítím určitý deficit, ale jsem neskutečně z této skutečnosti rozrušenej!

Takže, aby ste byly v obraze. Ježíbába byla fajn, udělala se moc pěkně, snažila se  a svedla mne, no a co? Co budu zapírat, za každou cenu? Když se jedna Ježíbába umí udělat za nádhernou ženskou? Kdo mě bude soudit ?

Hadí královna je druhá věc. A moje královna je třetí věc. My na sebe nežárlíme. Vona ví, co spravování tak rozhlehlýho království představuje za osobní vobětování.

No, ale s Ježíbábou už je to celkem pohodový, ale Hadí královna mi dělá mindrák!

Vona je jinak docela pohledná. Kdyby ste se na ní podívali z rána, byla by mlha, stála by po kolena ve vodě, na hlavě by měla proutěnou vošatku, tak by ste mohli podotknout, že támdle, někde, může stát docela stepilá ženská. No, ale by ste museli bejt hodně oné... mít velikou představivost. Von to vyřkl Mistr Werich, svého času, kdž ještě žil.

Tak takovoudle královnu vám nepřeju,ani hadí, vona to umí ,s bříškem dělá divy, se vona celá jakokdyby vlní, jí říkám, přestaň!!

A vona just! Já vůbec nevím, co mám včil dělat! Poradil bych se se svojí královnou, no ta by mi asi určitě dala přes držku!
Jsem emocionálně rozhozenej, nemám se s kým poradit.

Jak s tou Hadí královnou? Co myslíte?

Mám se zase vobětovat?

Rozprávky | stály odkaz


  1. Mito,
    naslinis si prst, vztycis ho, zistis odkial fuka vietor a oddas sa tomu co ti ponuka osud- pokial voci tomu nepocitiujes zvlast velky odpor --ale prave preto zistujes oskial fuka vietor no ne? no ba!
    Drzim palec ;-)) ;)) popripade ju nakrmi, obetuj kuriatko a mas na cas pokoja ..;-))
    publikované: 11.06.2009 22:02:41 | autor: jajaj (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  2. Jajajka,díky, že si zaparkovala,
    na obetovanie som tu ja, som pripravený zaľahnúť gulomet na kótě 234,35.
    Kuratenko nebudem obetúvat. To si odchytím na spapkanie.
    Nám vraveli. Hladní ste? Veď papina vám po hore behá! Ale boli vopred s horárom dohovorení, asi!
    No, ale tie pstruhy by nám asi neodpustil. Už si niekedy držala pstruha ostražitého v ruke? Za dýchací oné?
    publikované: 11.06.2009 22:26:22 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  3. čau, králi Miloslave - vidím, že Tebe je trojka málo. Rovno v šestke robíš vývrtky
    víla, Nováková z tretieho, Ježia baba, Hadia babizňa, Kráľovná ...
    A potom sa čuduješ, že nevieš, kde máš hlavu ? :)
    To by chcelo poradovník.
    Každej capni cez prsia nejaké to olympijské číslo.
    Ako pri štafetovom behu.
    Tam je víťaz každý :)
    A Waldo zaspieva hymnu:
    "Jak mám si vybrat jednu,
    já mám všechny rád" :)
    publikované: 11.06.2009 23:04:13 | autor: monami (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  4. the terror state
    M urcite konvertuje k homosex :)

    strucny nebudem, a nebudem jediny nestrucny a nepochopitelny, ...vidno,ze aj tuna je dostatok okrem mna inych dlhsie pisusich prispievatelov, napr. dotycna menom maja uverejnila na pravda.blog.sk dna 6/6/2007 toto :o):

    Criminal with protection of the law!


    States lies dressed up as evening news
    We're tired of lies we want the truth
    Broadcast by corpses courting you
    We're tired of lies we want the truth
    Most people they will never know
    We're tired of lies we want the truth
    With your or against you?
    Then I am against you because you're a...

    Criminal with protection of the law

    Criminal with protection of the law

    In your corner
    Makes me wanna
    Douse myself in gasoline!
    Civil servants fall in line for you
    Too brainwashed to see the truth
    You use anyone you can!

    Criminal with protection of the law

    Criminal with protection of the



    A TURNCOAT! and a THIEF!

    Criminal with protection of the law! The law!
    Criminal with protection of the law!


    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    Our black hearts worn on our sleeves!

    Let my imagination go and drop me where I feel most scared.
    Snap back already giving thanks, I'm not trapped working in a sweatshop somewhere.
    This song's for those less fortunate, locked in a world where both ends aren't meant to meet.

    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves.
    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves!

    Let my imagination go and drop me where I feel most scared.
    Synaptic flashes in my head then total thanks again, I'm not soldiering somewhere.
    This song is for the countless souls, who died in vain for someone else's gain.

    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves.
    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves.

    Left my birthplace for foreign streets to strange places, new faces I flew.
    Shoe less kids stood on the corner, their eyes they were transfixed on you.

    So I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    oh my black heart worn on my sleeve.
    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    with our black hearts worn on our sleeves, ALRIGHT!

    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves.
    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves.

    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves.
    I'm standing with the rank-n-file,
    I'm marching with the underground,
    our black hearts worn on our sleeves.

    "Post-War Breakout"

    So we breakout!

    I'm a post-war breakout (War breakout!)
    And a post-war breakdown (Breakdown! Breakdown!)
    I'm a post-war syndrome (War syndrome!)
    And a post-war hero (Yeah, yeah, yeah :/ )

    Just a post-war nerve case
    In a pro-war age
    And a post-war history face.

    I've got a medal, I'm a hero (BREAKOUT!)
    I've got an ID, I've got an ego (BREAKDOWN!)
    I've got pocketbook, no dough (NO DOLLARS, NO!)
    Just a post-war shockjob!

    I'm an evil-minded breakdown
    I'm a vulgar, thinking crackdown
    I'm an ex-GI for sure, oh sure
    Just a post-war nerve case, in a pro-war age
    And a post-war history face..let's face our history..NOW!!

    I've got a medal, I'm a hero (BREAKOUT!)
    I've got an ID, I've got an ego (BREAKDOWN!)
    I've got pocketbook, no dough (NO DOLLARS, NO!)
    Just a post-war shockjob!

    Just a post-war shockjob!
    Just a post-war shockjob!
    Just a post-war shockjob!

    Post-war breakout!
    So we breakout

    "Sold As Freedom"

    You want to save the world?
    I can tell you what to do!
    You want to end terror?
    This solution is for you!
    Answer the call up join the proud the few.
    Pull on the trigger with your heart and soul
    Cause war is peace now we know.

    Fight fire with fire!
    Douse violent flames with gasoline
    Fight fire with fire!
    Spite your foe with an all out holocaust!
    Fight fire with fire!
    Pour gasoline on the world inferno,
    Burn it so hot that the world incinerates
    when they're all dead we'll have no issues to resolve.

    To end terror it takes a special skill
    kill, kill, kill?
    Til there's nothing left to kill!!
    Don't question orders-
    do your job and move.
    It's a 9 to 5 and 5 to 9
    to makes sure no one's left alive

    Fight fire with fire!
    Douse violent flames with gasoline
    Fight fire with fire!
    Spite your foe with an all out holocaust!
    Fight fire with fire!
    Pour gasoline on the world inferno,
    Burn it so hot that the world incinerates
    when they're all dead we'll have no issues to resolve.

    Join now! Don't wait! Make death, Your date!!!
    Salute and fight! Fight for the wealth
    of the few! wrapped in a flag and sold to you.
    Sold as Freedom it's up to you to see through lies
    by those who've led us to endless world strife.
    What this world needs is something new!
    What this world needs right now is you!
    Any dumbfuck can murder kill, kill, kill!!!

    "Power To The Peaceful"

    Sons and daughters of a dream
    The urge to struggle for an ideal
    To stay and fight
    Oppose war fever
    Refuse to kill or be killed

    There's voices calling in the wind

    Power to the Peaceful
    Power to the peaceful

    Let's Go!
    Oh yeah!

    With a readiness for war
    They come down hard in dissent of all forms
    Blood and militarism has swept the country by storm

    There's voices calling in the wind

    Power to the Peaceful
    Power to the Peaceful
    Power to the Peaceful
    Power to the Peaceful

    This is not a war
    of the urging people
    This is not a war
    of economic independance
    It's a war for conquest
    It's a war for military power
    It's a war for money
    The road to universal slaughter

    Sons and daughters of a dream
    The urge to struggle for an ideal
    To stay and fight
    Oppose war fever
    Refuse to kill or be killed

    There's voices calling in the wind
    Power to the Peaceful
    You know it's Power to the Peaceful

    Alright, check this out
    There's repression and intolerance
    On any deviation from the norm
    In all factions of your life
    At this time of entry
    Into war say Hey-Hey
    Do you know what they sing. Say Hey! - Hey!
    Yeah you know what they sing. Say Hey! - Hey!
    Do you know what they sing? Say Hey! - Hey! - Hey!

    Power to the Peaceful
    Power to the Peaceful
    Power to the Peaceful
    Power to the Peaceful
    Whoa-oh! Whoa-oh! Whoa-oh!

    "Mind The G.A.T.T."

    A brand new history
    Slyly and quickly
    Sparkles in your eyes
    Hope your not missing
    The flash points/sign posts
    Etching the future
    From here

    Ancient ancestors transmitting via pool formed from rainfall
    Where my reflection stares back at me and says
    As the sun sets bright over ancient earth and disappears from view
    The spirit of the world will rise up from the dis again
    Our voices sing in union
    Lifless, soulless, secret abyss
    Plotting the worlds doom
    Production and consumption wakes the sleeping world to sing again
    Our voices sing in union

    From african coasts to australian mainland
    Watch your brothers back, watch your sisters back
    From the american plains to the sea of japan
    Watch your brothers back, watch your sisters back
    In your own backyard, or far off foreign lands
    We find our adversaries woven of the same thread

    As evil hacks and rips at every corner of the world
    The peoples voice will sing as one voice
    Our voices sing in union
    To implement a Paul Hawken-Esque model for the world
    The people voice will sing as one voice
    Our voices sing in union

    The Arabian sea to the coast of chile
    Watch your brothers back, watch your sisters back
    The plateau of tibet to the bay of biscay
    Watch your brothers back, watch your sisters back
    In your own backyard, or far off foreign lands
    We find our adversaries woven of the same thread

    Rethink... Fucking dig in!

    Don't sit by and take it!
    They built it we can break it!
    We're not gonna stand for any G.A. double T's!!!

    Don't sit by and take it!
    They built it we can break it!
    We're not gonna stand for any G.A. double T's!!!

    Don't sit by and take it!
    They built it we can break it!
    We're not gonna stand for any G.A. double T's!!!

    Don't sit by and take it!
    They built it we can break it!
    We're not gonna stand for any G.A. double T's!!!

    "You Can Kill The Protestor, But You Can't Kill The Protest"

    You can spoon my eyes out,
    but I can still see through you
    Slice my ears from my head,
    but you can't shut out the sounds of the truth
    Lock off each hand at the wrist
    so I can't raise my fist!

    You can kill the protestor (can't kill)
    You can't kill the protest
    You can murder the rebel (murder)
    You can't murder the rebellion

    Sawed my feet at the ankles,
    but I wasn't gonna run (I wasn't gonna run)
    So you grabbed my face and sliced off my tongue
    Lock off each hand at the wrist,
    So I can't raise my fist!

    You can kill the protestor (can't kill)
    You can't kill the protest
    You can murder the rebel (murder)
    You can't murder the rebellion

    Lying still now, no way to speak.
    There's nothing to fear (there's nothing to fear)
    Lying still now, no way to speak.
    There's nothing to fear
    No nothing to fear
    Because bullets can't silence ideas!

    You can kill the protestor (can't kill)
    You can't kill the protest
    You can murder the rebel (murder)
    You can't murder the rebellion

    The rebellion
    The rebellion

    "When You Don't Control Your Government People Want To Kill You"


    America blown to smithereens.
    Your friends, your home, your life your family.


    Smithereens. I wish i could say this was unforseen.

    Well, they're planting the seeds on destruction's eve.
    Then take away your rights to keep you free.
    Yeah they're planting the seeds on destruction's eve.
    Then take away your rights to keep you free
    on your knees still the vengeance of the world
    will target you! DOWN ON YOU? DOWN ON YOOOOOOOOU?!!!

    Our flesh turned to ash will scatter in the wind.


    Such a wicked force you had never seen though countless times it took place in your name.


    Your apathy comes with a price tag after all it seems.

    Well, they're planting the seeds on destruction's eve.
    Then take away your rights to keep you free.
    Yeah they're planting the seeds on destruction's eve.
    Then take away your rights to keep you free
    on your knees still the vengeance of the world
    will TARGET YO000000000000000U!!!

    When you don't control your own government people want to kill you.
    People want to kill you.
    People want to kill you.
    (Can't you see that people want to kill you)
    When you don't control your own government people want to kill you.
    People want to kill you.


    "Wake Up!"

    If I had a lighter in hands
    With some oily rags
    Is that what it'd take
    To wake you from your sleep?
    Woke up from your American dreams
    To be surrounded
    Surrounded in flames!

    You got to SCREAM
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!
    To the world around you
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!
    To the world around you
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!
    To the world around you
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!


    And if we blocked the streets
    Face down on the pavement
    As we lay
    You're angered
    That you're five minutes late.
    What happens next time
    When we will stop you all day?
    Yeah, next time
    When we will stop you all day?

    You got to SCREAM
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!
    To the world around you
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!
    To the world around you
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!
    To the world around you
    Wake Up!
    Wake Up!
    To the world around you

    and it's the same song, sung
    Sung at the top of our lungs

    "Tearing Down The Borders"

    No one flag flies over the multi-national company.
    No allegiance to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, the flag born of their country.
    As the brainwashed nationalists move,
    To shed their blood on battle fields.
    War profiteering rich watch their stocks reap high yields.

    We're tearing down the borders!
    We're fighting for the rights of freedom!
    Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh.
    We're tearing down the borders!
    We're fighting for the rights of freedom!
    Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh.


    No patriotic pledge from multi-national companies.
    Only a commitment to lock away equality and steal away all freedom from the poorest of the poor.
    So that the boardroom can insure
    their stockholders profits are higher in return.

    We're tearing down the borders!
    We're fighting for the rights of freedom!
    Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh.
    We're tearing down the borders!
    We're fighting for the rights of freedom!
    Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh.

    It's our world.
    Let's take it back!
    Let's set ourselves free oh woah oh.
    It's our world.
    Let's take it back!
    Let's set ourselves free oh woah oh.
    It's our world.
    We want it back!
    Let's set ourselves free oh woah oh.
    It's your world.
    Take your world back!

    Take it, fucking back.

    There's a call
    A ringing sound
    Around the globe
    Its gaining ground
    We're tearing down the borders, oh oh.

    There's a voice in your heart
    It beckons you to do your part
    We're tearing down the borders, oh oh!

    The line is drawn
    In the sand
    On one side your a slave
    The other a free man
    We're tearing down the borders, oh oh!
    There's a call
    Freedom's sound
    Around the globe
    Its gaining ground!
    We're tearing down the border
    We're tearing down the border
    We're tearing down the borders, WOAH!

    "Death Of A Nation"

    When all you need was a little motivation
    They pointed fingers and yelled dead generation
    When all you need was a little care
    All you got was an old white hair blank stare
    Have you ever needed an ounce of love
    And all you got was a whole lot of fucked

    So say your prayers
    It's the death of a nation
    Say your prayers
    For the dead generation

    Condescending broad generalizations
    Get real old real fast
    Just because most hippies and their parents have sold out
    Does not mean that you (Yeah, you!), your children (your children!) and their kids wont last...


    Agressivness is godliness
    Combativness is holiness
    Destructiveness is faithfullness
    Deadliness is devoutness
    Praying to a god that they created
    And know damn well does not exist...
    We find them on their knees

    "Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.)"

    This is a tale of liberation,this dedication song
    Broadcast it from all stations!!

    This tribute, this salute
    cold hard facts one can't refute
    #1 liberators in the world
    can kill better than ice is cold!

    To save you WE MAY HAVE TO KILL YOU!
    For freedom YOU MAY HAVE TO DIE!
    #1 at liberation
    liberating life from bodies, helping spirits fly...
    Freedom from... LIFE!

    This is a tale of liberation,this dedication song
    Broadcast it from all stations!!

    This tribute, this salute
    cold hard facts one can't refute
    #1 liberators in the world
    can kill better than ice is cold!

    To save you WE MAY HAVE TO KILL YOU!
    For freedom YOU MAY HAVE TO DIE!
    #1 at liberation
    liberating life from bodies, helping spirits fly...



    "One People, One Struggle"

    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.


    Time to see the world as a whole!
    Time to light the fire with the fuel!
    That's a conscience movement,
    in our hearts.
    Everywhere you look red white and blue
    Everywhere you look they're fooling you.

    Every revolutionary
    was once considered an enemy
    Cointel underminded the life
    Of Dr. Martin Luther King
    Everywhere you look red white and blue
    Everywhere you look they're fooling you.

    One people, one struggle!
    Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
    One people, one struggle.

    Time to see the world as a whole.
    Time to light the fire with the fuel.
    That's a conscience movement,
    in each and every one of your hearts!
    Everywhere you look red white and blue
    Everywhere you look they're fooling you.

    One people, one struggle!
    Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
    One people, one struggle.

    One people, one struggle!
    Stand United, Stand Peaceful!
    One people, one struggle.

    The union,
    Of free thinking,
    Colors don't,
    Mean liberty.
    The union,
    Of free thinking,
    The union,
    Of free thinking.

    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated!

    One people, one struggle!
    Stand United, Stand Peaceful!

    One people, one struggle!
    Stand United, Stand Peaceful!

    One people, one struggle!
    Stand United, Stand Peaceful!

    One people, one struggle!
    Stand United, Stand Peaceful!

    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated.
    The people, united, will never be defeated!

    "Fuck The Flag"

    Piece of Rag
    Take it off mast, and stick it up your ass
    Now it's time to slaughter
    In its fucking honor

    What a bunch of fucking shit!

    Fuck the flag and fuck you!
    Fuck the flag and fuck you!
    Fuck the flag and fuck you!
    Fuck the flag, the fucking flag, fuck the flag!
    Fuck the flag and fuck you!

    Heres a flag
    Take this match
    Burn, that, fucker!

    Fuck the flag and fuck you!
    Fuck the flag and fuck you!
    Fuck the flag and fuck you!
    publikované: 12.06.2009 02:25:09 | autor: analko (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  5. Análečku, ale si mi dal, jen co je pravda!
    Vždyť jsem oprášil svou američtinu, byl jsem Tebou nucen, a i tak vím úplný hovno. Z teho, co si tu popísal zarputile.
    Fuck, to vím, to znám, to mi říkali děvčata v Perlovce. To je ulice v Praze. Bejvalo tam blaze, ale už je vytlačili na magistrálu, na periférii.
    Jóó, to bejvaly časy. Ahoj hezoune, kompletku za třista by jsi si mohl dovolit né?
    Teď už to není, co to bejvalo! Holt, doba pokročila.Samá thajská masage, cesta vokolo světa Tě vynde na tři litry. Kam ten svět spěje, já teda nevím. Asi jsem už na tydlencty věci starej!
    publikované: 12.06.2009 07:29:00 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  6. Mona mia, vitaj, ahoj u mna!!!
    Ber mne s rezervou potřebnou. Není všechno zlato co svítí, už se chystám na hřbitovní kvítí, nějaký sexuální excesy mi nehrozej, jsem usedlej důchodce, vědom si všech svých, převažujících, nedostatků!
    Jsem moc rád, že jsi nakoukla. Co rád, rád je málo! Jsem uveličen!
    publikované: 12.06.2009 07:34:39 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  7. Ahoj Mito,
    Pstruha som nedrzala za dychacie... len na tanieri zatial na vidlicke peceneho.. so slaninku najviac rada al;ebo len tak na maselku v pahrebe...stryko bol porybny v raji slovenskom..a tie kuriatka , rydziky, podpnovky zavrane v octovom naleve az mi slina tecie... co ti budem hovorit ..bolo to davno ...;)) hezkej den, slastne panovani, vrele obetovani, zdrave kralovani...;))
    publikované: 12.06.2009 08:13:11 | autor: jajaj (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  8. Jajajko, však su ja v Slovenskom Raji bol, skoro.
    devět roků přešlo, v Brezně jsem byl posádkou. A do Ráje jsem chodíval. To Ti je úplně jako Kanada, prosím Tě pěkně! Když to vidíš,ty scenérie,nádherná příroda a všechny ty věci vokolo toho, úžasný.
    A lidi! Kus chleba. A si představ, že když mi bylo dvacetři roků, to jsem byl ještě poručík, tak už jsem byl skoro partizánskej velitel! Nóó.
    Protože, když jsem něco šel zakousnout do hospody, tak tam byli všichni partizáni!Bože, a těch půldecáků přede mnou, nemyslitelný to vypít a nevožrat se!
    No, ale všechno hezký má taky svůj konec a hajdy na výspu socialismu, bránit světovej mír.Karle Varle a tak všude, až mi slza kane, když si na to náhodně upomenu.
    Dík, že si nakoukla, hezkej den, Jajajko!
    publikované: 12.06.2009 08:31:47 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  9. Miťo,
    no každá tá tvoja ženská má niečo do seba. Pýtaš sa na Hadiu kráľovnú- tá má jedovaté zúbky, nuž treba ich odstrániť. Je klzká, treba ju niečím zdrsniť a tú jej prítulnosť ovíjajúceho sa tela okolo tela, to by som využila na eromasáže.
    Hmm a na vážnejšie- som pravý opak teba, lepšie komunikujem s mužmi. pohybovala som sa medzi nimi.
    Aj dobre počúvam, aj sem tam dobre poradím, aj z uší vypúšťam, čo do iných nepatrí
    publikované: 12.06.2009 08:54:24 | autor: vasilisa26 (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  10. Aké vlnenia bruchom
    Duchovné súznenie cítiš so všetkými piatimi ? To je zásadná otázka, Miťu, toto zodpovedz !
    Bruchovlnivky nie sú ojedinelé, po zásadnejších faktoroch sa pieď
    publikované: 12.06.2009 09:28:41 | autor: Pippa (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  11. no já to tu vidím na pěkné zvrhlosti!
    Ona taká Hadica ťa chce mať len pre seba, žiadne kráľovstvo, pekne dom k zástere si ťa prikovať....lenže tys chlapík zdieľny, s viacerými zdieľať sa chceš...no proste vymeniť. Ako pokazenú súčiastku. Zdieľnu devu nájsť. Ako kráľ môžeš dokonca vydať príkaz: Všechny děvy sdělní sem!!!!!
    publikované: 12.06.2009 11:47:58 | autor: matahari (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  12. Dievčence terazky jsem se vrátil né, že z Hradu, ale z Brezna.
    Dovezl jsem plný tři tašky sladkostí, mimo jiné. Maso a tak. A tchýně mi dala pocítit příslovečnou pohostinnosř slovanskou i svou náklonností obdařila. Na půl roku mám olej, se sladkým pečivem po sobě můžeme házet!
    Netuším, jak se jí jednou odvděčím. Je skrátka zlatá.
    Ale mám to vymyšlený tak, že zejtra podávam LOTO, tam je něco málo přes tři melouny, koupím barák, malý kousek lesa a rybníček k tomu, havětí domácí zaplním pozemek a vezmu si jí k sobě. Vona v důchodu, já důchodce, děti velký, co by nám chybělo, nééé? ))))))
    publikované: 12.06.2009 19:03:27 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  13. Miťo,
    no konečne správny zať, čo o svojej tchýni vraví ,že je zlatá.
    Vieš, nechcem, aby si dobre nespal, ale to LOTO zajtra mám ja vyhrať !Alebo by sme sa mohli dohodnúť!?
    publikované: 12.06.2009 21:32:35 | autor: vasilisa26 (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  14. Vasiliso, osobně si myslím,
    a nebojím se přímo vyjádřit své nejniternější přesvědčení, že to dopadne jako vždycky.
    Budu za generálního sponzora Lota. Voni to sice nikde nepíšou, no skóre nepustí))))))
    Přál bych Ti to, skutečně z celýho srdce.
    Já bych byl zřejmě za dva dny zadluženej)))))
    publikované: 12.06.2009 21:38:11 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  15. Miťásku,
    čakala som takú odpoveď. Praješ mi to z celého srdca a ja som sa chcela s tebou podeliť. Takže, vyhraj to radšej ty.
    publikované: 12.06.2009 21:50:05 | autor: vasilisa26 (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  16. Tak dobře, Vasiliso, nebudeme se tu ondiat.
    Když vyhraju, koupíme si spolu nějaký noviny a uděláme si free blog))))
    publikované: 12.06.2009 22:03:28 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  17. Miťo,
    ja sa chcem ondiať a chcem spoločný dom - aj novín
    publikované: 12.06.2009 22:30:27 | autor: vasilisa26 (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  18. ..
    dobrú noc
    publikované: 12.06.2009 22:36:45 | autor: vasilisa26 (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  19. Vasiliso, ty myslíš přímo to, co myslím já?
    Že novinový dům? Bankovní dům, to mám celkem odakceptovatelný.
    A Ty takto, přímo, že natvrdo? No, ale taková je doba.
    Měla by jsi vědět, že jsem starej dědek, těžce přispůsobivej, paličatej hnusák, co by si ho nejradči vykopala z baráku)))))
    publikované: 12.06.2009 22:38:31 | autor: Mito (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  20. načo peniaze , banky a domy, mito?
    česť a hrdosť stačí : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u7AQAzorVo&feature=related
    a samozrejme , milé a nežné krásky virtuálu. Čo viac nám treba?
    publikované: 16.06.2009 08:15:48 | autor: warrior (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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