Vytlač príspevok
Odporuč príspevok

Sweet solitudes

I loved his pale skin

under his dark coat,

warming breath

in chilling mad


feeling loved,

sharing lives

doesn`t matter what.

His pale skin

under the long black jacket

that inspired me

to strange desires.

And that freezing wind

couldn`t chill my hand

being warmed by his

in his black pocket.

My dedicated friend

gave me everything

I could ever wish.

And I wished just a little.

To taste his soul of emptiness,

of freedom and loneliness

without the pain.

Then I really felt

rid of that heavy solitudes

though being alone at once.

Alone with him.

That never hurt, never

since worries were washed

by healing rain

sent down on us

from above.

Melancholic whispers

bring me back to my friend.

And I feel happy for a moment

while listening to the raindrops

bouncing and dancing

on the glass of my window.

He`s with me again.

Shadows in the greyness of my room

are snuggling me,

warming and making feel comfy

while it`s freezing wind

outside there.

I enjoy my cosy gloom.

And I feel safe

here, with my solitudes.

They bring me back to my friend.

Only for a while

but they are worthy.

They bring the depth

into my loneliness

that doesn’t hurt anymore.

That emptiness

is full of


My dedicated friend

gave me more than everything

though I wished just a little.

With him I never feel lonely

even when I`am alone.

Alone with him.

Here, in my solitudes.

The rain divides the worlds

and helps to bring him back

to me

into my glooms and shadows.

Just for a while

we share our sweet sweet solitudes…

Inšpirácie | stály odkaz


  1. Hmmm, báseň plná nezvyčajných obrazov
    "And I wished just a little.

    To taste his soul of emptiness,

    of freedom and loneliness

    without the pain."

    Ale až tak málo si si nepriala :-))) To je niekedy to najťažšie...
    publikované: 26.09.2007 17:35:00 | autor: zelenarusalka (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  2. kdesi som raz citala:
    basni netreba rozumiet. ma sa pocuvat. :D
    publikované: 28.09.2007 10:56:47 | autor: lupa (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  3. Júúúj, ale ti to ide,
    dobre vieš po anglicky a ešte aj takúto báseň, no pekne pekne :-))
    publikované: 22.09.2008 15:09:14 | autor: martins (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
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